Occupational Health Safety
As CSR Holding, it is our priority to provide a suitable working environment for our employees, subcontractors and related stakeholders to carry out their activities in a healthy and safe working environment and to build a sustainable future. Accordingly, we eliminate hazards and risks that may constitute obstacles with proactive and systematic approaches.
Occupational health and safety teams consisting of occupational safety specialists, workplace physicians and other health personnel working in our Group companies closely follow national legislation, standards and globally accepted practices on the subject and implement the necessary improvements.
CSR Holding Occupational Health and Safety Unit plays an important role in the realisation of the value we attach to occupational health and safety.The Occupational Health and Safety Unit regularly reviews the practices throughout our Group and manages the compliance processes of the best practices adopted by our companies with the legislation. In order to increase the level of awareness of our employees, necessary trainings (emergency situations, employee representative, safe use of equipment, occupational, first aid, hygiene, etc.), especially 'basic occupational health and safety trainings', are organised and employees are regularly informed.
Emergency action plans prepared in consideration of possible emergencies in our group companies are renewed according to legal periods and conditions. Emergency response teams formed within the scope of action plans are provided with the necessary trainings by the institutions and persons deemed appropriate by the legislation, and drills are organised at least once a year.
In our companies, hazards and risks are identified and documented in accordance with the legislation and risk assessment reports are prepared. The prepared risk assessment reports are partially or completely renewed according to legal deadlines and conditions.
Occupational health and safety processes and in-company practices are controlled by occupational safety experts and workplace physicians in our companies; work environment and health inspections are regularly carried out, where corrective/preventive actions are determined when necessary Occupational physicians keep records of occupational accidents and near-miss incidents, analyse and report them, as well as regular examinations and examinations of employees.
İş ekipmanlarının düzenli kontrolleri yetkili kuruluşlar ve yetkin kişiler tarafından, iş hijyeni ölçümleri ise iş güvenliği uzmanları ve işyeri hekimlerinin tespitleri ve önerileri doğrultusunda yapılıyor. İş sağlığı ve güvenliği riskleri, CSR Holding şirketlerinin Riskin Erken Saptanması Komiteleri’nde görüşülerek, eyleme geçme ve takip süreçleri işletiliyor. Bu faaliyetler, yıllık denetim iş planları çerçevesinde, uyum ve iç kontrol gerekleri açısından da denetleniyor. Holdingimizin yönetim organlarına, şirketlerimizin iş sağlığı ve güvenliği faaliyetleri hakkında düzenli olarak bilgi veriliyor.